5 snow levels have been added, more challenging than any before.
We’ve added a new ability which allows you to slide and it has a 1 second cooldown, unlike jumping and dashing which feel like they take an eternity to recharge.

Along with the levels, we’ve added new obstacles and mechanics,
like crows that obscure your vision and wet snow that makes you slip like an almost-drifting AE86 when Takumi is not driving it.

If you’ve already thought that this couldn’t get any better, we’ve also added 6 more achievements for you to have a little something to do besides passing those “ez pz” levels.
- The menus will now scale properly for every resolution and aspect ratio!
- Cars colliders have been updated to better match their shape.
- We’ve updated some of the keybinds for controllers thanks to Anime Freak‘s feedback.
- The player can no longer win and die at the same time.
- Other bug fixes that will make your experience a little better.