Even before A-1 Pictures Koenji Studio rebranded as CloverWorks, they were making anime independently from the Asagaya branch. Because this was never apparent to viewers from the outside, CloverWorks producer Fukushima acknowledges that the rebranding may be confusing. But it was worth it to distinguish between the two Aniplex-owned studios. As of October, CloverWorks has separated from A-1 Pictures and will be led by the new CloverWorks president, Akira Shimizu.

Despite the rebranding, almost nothing has changed about the day-to-day workings of A-1 Pictures and CloverWorks. A-1 Pictures in Asagaya will continue to lead projects such as the Sword Art Online series, while CloverWorks will focus on Fate/Grand Order, which is slated to release next year.

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