In an interview for the mass media on Friday, Kyoto Animation president Hideaki Hatta stated that all of the past animation materials and computers housed in Kyoto Animation’s 1st Studio building were destroyed in Thursday’s fire in the building. Hatta told the media, “The [monetary] amount of the damage? Extreme. I don’t know the full details.”

Kyoto Animation’s 1st Studio building is located near Rokujizō Station in Uji City in Kyoto. Most of the studio’s main line production takes place inside the building. The company also has a head office, a 2nd Studio building, a Tokyo Office, and the Animation DO building in other locations.

Hatta stated in the interview, “I am deeply heartbroken. I can’t bear it. I never even in my dreams would have thought such a large disaster would happen.” He later added, “This is a serious blow to our company and our industry. Every one of them was an excellent and wonderful colleague.”

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