Faeria is one of the best card game that I played. A lot better than Heartsone by his originality and his difference with other popular cards games.


Faeria is a card game, so you need to make your own deck. There are 5 categories of cards: Neutral, Fire, Water, Desert, and Forest.
And besides that, there are cards that have special effects.
The game board is almost empty, there is you, your opponent and mana well. You and your opponent will need to construct the game board with hexagons of different categories, to be able to put cards in a certain category on it. Like you will need two forest hexagons to place a Forest card.
The fact that you are constructing the game board with your opponent is a really good thing because all the games that you will do will be different, you will need to adopt different strategies or place your hexagons at a different place.
+ All the game will be different
+ Game has a really original aspect about the game board


Like I said above, There are 5 categories of cards, all the categories have they specialties. The cards themselves have effects, so you need to choose carefully the cards you’re playing with. (I won’t make examples, it will be too long for nothing)
+ Cards have effects and categories have they specialties.
The cards are obtainable without paying, sure you can pay it will be easier, but you can also obtain cards without paying and that’s a great point!
+ Not a pay to win


There are offline and online games. On the offline, you just have to beat I.A or resolve puzzles. On Online you can affront your friends, do some normal matches with randoms persons or do ranked. There is also a special game mode called Pandora available at the level 15, it gives a more intense battle with more mana and a new card category. There is also a Co-op campaign beside the solo one.
+ Multiple Gamemodes


The community is really good in Faeria, They even share they decks and strategies! They also give help and hints.
+ Good community

+ The art style is really nice

The game has frequent updates.
+ Frequent Updates


+ All the game will be different from each other

+ This game has a really original aspect

+ Cards have effects and categories have they specialties.

+ Not a pay to win

+ Multiple Gamemodes

+ The art style is really nice

+ Frequent Updates

+ The game is easy to understand